
How to subscribe for mtn bis using PDproxy with your PC

Good afternoon people.
Its me again bona9ja I know its not really my thing to post free browsing and stuff.. But for the sake of my fellow bloggers who tend to consume too much of data while feeding the masses with information, I will show you guys how to rock mtn bis with PD proxy on your pc.
Tighten your seat belt guys. And be ready to download till you pc cry!

How to use mtn bis with pdproxy.

First thing first you will need to download and install pdproxy.

2. Install the software after extracting.
3. Grant test drivers permission if asked.
4.log on to
signup.htm to register and account
5. In your PDProxy move to
settings→tools→advance settings
 6. Click parents proxy then follow the steps below
Enable parents proxy. Input the figures below
input → PORT: 8080
7.Input the following after you've clicked the headers.

8.Save it.

In your moderm input
Leave the others blank
9Save and connect.
To download pdproxy click the link below. If you already have just skip.


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