
HowTo Totally Reduce Excess Data Consumption On Android + Improve Battery life.

Reduce data consumption forever + Improve battery life.

Hello everyone.. A pleasant Monday and a Very wonderful August break.
Today I will be passing out a very useful mobile tip to android users
, This information I will be sharing will enable you save more data or Mb as you'll call it.
This information, will also enable you improve your battery life if its been used properly. I was inspired to write this article due to numerous complains of excessive deduction or zapping of data when surfing the net or strolling on Facebook, Twitter or even whatsapp. Today I bring to you permanent solution to your problem.
This excessive data reduction can be reduced with the help of an application called AFWALL+.

This application can be used to force stop all your data sucking applications... In short believe me, all android apps sucks data like breast milk. Cow milk o! Lol. With this app (AFWALL+) you can choose the app you want to give internet access to, you can choose the medium in which you want the app to get internet access from either from WiFi, Service providers or WLAN.
This app also increase your batteries life.. It increases your batteries life in the sense that it shots down all application accessing the net without permission which contributes to data drainage.
To use this app your device will surely need root access.

Root your device here
Download the app here

Now to use this app.
- After downloading? Launch the app
- Give it 20secs to load up.
- You will see empty boxes in all your apps.
The first empty box by the left is for internet.
The Second(middle) box is For WLAN
The Third box(From left) is for WiFi

- Thick any app you'll like to give internet access.
- Press the back button to save your settings. Gbam! That's the end to your data reduction problems.

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  1. wow...finally i can control my data usage..thank for your info...

  2. wow...finally i can control my data usage..thank for your info...


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