
Best internet plan for your mobile phones, Tablet and PC this Love Season.

Hello my loyal blog readers...?
Past two days and I haven't posted anything  in this blog... Was very busy and stressed up with work and life and everything... But hey; I'm back, with lots of tips and useful information.

Today, I'm gonna be listing out the Best internet plans you should be using this Valentine period for your Mobile phones, Tablet or your PC (person computer).

You know the cost of internet subscription in Nigeria is pretty high.. We the internet users blame our service providers... Why our service providers blame the government... Yes, they blame the government for not providing uninterrupted electricity supply. They have to fuel all their plants and machines scattered all over the country for 24hours from their own pocket which is pretty much expensive too.
Well, that's their business, what they do over there or how they manage their business over there is their business because today, I'll list out ways you'll browse with your gadget without complaining of excess data consumption.

  • For  Android Users

Well, this year so far have been a great year for Android users, mostly mtk Android users.. They've being varieties of imei tweaking cheats to get handful of megabytes from different sim cards, either mtn, airtel or etisalat.

Best Internet Subscription For Android Users:
The best advisable and most trustworthy internet subscription for android phones now is Glo Bis. Glo Bis goes for 3gigabyte for N1000. All you have to do to enjoy this package is to tweak your IMEI to that of a BlackBerry phone and you're good 2 go.
Unfortunately, this Glo Bis only works for mtk devices (China product Android phones) I know this is  very bad news for other android phone users, since the offer is mouth watering and all that... But hey, they're other package you can still use. E.g
Mtn Bis: For the past 4 months, Mtn Bis have been rocking flawlessly with simply server and some proxy apps on rooted Android phones... All rooted Android phones... Either MTK or non MTK... What's more amazing is that its unlimited... Which means you can browse and download heaven and earth with just N100 for 24hours BBCDAY.
You can learn how to activate that
here »»

  • For iPhone, Windows Phones Tablet  And PC users:

Although you guys using this devices can't directly use glo or mtn Bis, you can still use it indirectly by sharing connection with your hotspot.
Sharing connection with your hotspot to use glo Bis would be very advisable if you have and extra mtk android device and a PC or tablet or iPhone.... But what if you have no extra mtk device and you want to enjoy modest browsing too?

Here's What You Should Do:

1. Consider The latest Mtn better me bundle:
 With this bundle, you get 2015mb valued N2015 for 1month... That's approximately 2gb at N2000. Wow, isn't that great? Read more about it here »»

2. Consider Glo overload promo bundle: with this promo bundle, you get whooping 4.5gb for just N2500 for one full month, impressive I must commend... I think they got inspired to run this promo after they heard about Mtn better me bundle lol.
But any which way, we pray they keep competing and keep reducing the price of data.

3. Consider Buying From Data resellers:
This data reselling business have been on for quite many months ago, I think the business got popular from the half months of last year, I think also the business was killed from the last months of last year. It was killed, but it wasn't actually buried lol.
You can still buy data of 1gb or above from data resellers if you're using mtn, but you can buy from 250mb or above if you're using etisalat. You can pay the resellers through bank transfer or recharge card transfer... The recharge card transfer is more expensive to the bank transfer... Say you want to buy a data of 1gb, if you're paying through bank you'll be charged 1300 naira.. But if you're paying through recharge card transfer, you'll pay N1500 that's how the cookie crumbles in that business lols.
Learn More about data reselling here »»

  • For BlackBerry Users

I think over the years, those using BlackBerry phones other than BB10 trends don't actually complain about data charges or data consumption since it seems the internet was created for only them.

Yesss, other device users always wish and pray they enjoy same amount of data as a typical blackberry user would enjoy.
Those using android visit my blog and the web everyday to find tweaks and tricks on how to use Bis... Lols... Well of course I always provide them with tips and tweaks on how to use Bis on their Android.. Depending the kind of android though!

Best Bis Plans For Blackberry Users.

1. Glo Bis:
 I'd mention glo Bis any day because they're worth the mention... Although mtn is more popular and all that, I'll the choose glo over mtn when it comes to anything internet.
Glo Bis gives you 3gb for 1k valued for 1 month... And 700mb for 499 naira valued for 1week. Impressive isn't it?

2. Mtn Bis:
Although i prefer glo to mtn, I still like me my beloved mtn sim card... With mtn Bis, you get 3gb for 1k valued for 1month... They're other lesser package like the BBCWEEK for N499 and BBCDAY for N100 which I don't really know how much data they give if you subscribe.
I like mtn Bis because their 3G connection is the bomb... Mtn 3G  is  available in almost  every part of the country.

3. Airtel Bis:
 with Airtel Bis, you get 3gb for N1400 haha a laughable development. I wonder when they'll ever top their game... They're known for their dubious and thief thief act.

I can stilly recalled vividly how they swept my 4gb within one week.
I monitored my data usage well when I subscribed to that 4gb plan. The 4gb was 500mb in disguise.
Although the fault wasn't entirely theirs, since they warned the plan was strictly for blackberry users.
Well, if you're a BlackBerry user, and you love your airtel sim as I love Ronaldot, I'd advice you go for the plan. They won't zap your data with their dubious data zapping straw lols.  I mentioned I love ronaldo.. Hmmmm no homo, I just love his game and lifestyle.. No homo. That son is a hard worker.. Believe that!
learn how to get the 3gb at N1400 here »»

  • For Symbian/Java Phones Users.

I believe some people still use Low earned phones like Java ... Though symbian phones aren't exactly low earn phones since their applications are  worth a handful of data too.

Best Internet Plans For Symbian/Java Phones users.
I'd recommend you go for cheap cheap data plans like the mtn 5mb for N5 here»» Airtel 80mb for N100 which you can get by dialing *440*18# once you've recharge or Mtn 50mb and 25mb which you can get by dialing *113# and *112# for N200 and N100 respectively.
For social media like Facebook, whatsapp and Twitter plan... I'd advice you go for Airtel WTF Bundle here »»
Or  Mtn One month whatsapp at N60 here »»

You should pick the best plan that suits your browsing lifestyle this love season... Till there's any future Data plans that's cheaper and more affordable in the upper season.


  1. will try the glo overload this time around, hope it doesn't zap on PC. nice post bona

    1. No it won't Zappa your data.
      How are u doing chidi?


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