
How to use Mtn bis with Troidvpn on Android.

I know this post is going to bring smile to the faces of many people.

Since January this year, Many people have been complaining to me that their simple server connects and stops by itself frequently. Some said the Simple Server don't even connect at all even though the RAM of their device have large memory.
Lots of people have being getting this annoying problem with simple server.

Today I bring you a new way and method to subscribe with Mtn unlimited Bis  using TroidVpn.
This troidvpn is bound to solve your problem if you've being having any problems regarding this whole thing.

How To Use Mtn Bis With Troidvpn on Android.

1. Download Troidvpn from here

2. Launch the install and launch TroidVpn

3. Goto this website Click register, Input your username, Email address and the code you will see below and click register. After registering, a code will be sent to your email... Keep it safe.

4. Goto the troid VPN and input this settings.
Username: Input the username you use in that website.

Password: Input the password sent to your email.

Server: Select any free server

Rport: 8080

Lport: 0

Select TCP in the next box.

 Tick the remember me box then click advance.
In the advance, input this settings.

1 Tick the small box with inscription  'use TCP for connection

2. In the first box input this numbers:

3. In the second box input:

In the third box input:

 Click save. Then connect.
Make sure you've subscribe for either bbcday or monthly plan.
Your account should be 0.0k you've subscribed. To avoid unnecessary deductions.

The codes for subscription are:
BBCDAY TO 21600 OR BBC TO 21600. #100 and #1000 for daily and monthly plan respectively.

 Connect and start enjoying.


  1. not working on my Gionee p4.... please help

    1. Is your gionee phone rooted?
      U need root access for it to work.

  2. Replies
    1. What error did u get with the troidvpn.
      Post it here let's fix 2geda


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