
Grab this free 250mb from Mtn now.

This Free 250mb trick is different from the one I posted months ago.
It seems mtn don't wanna find a way to block this imei mb tweak lol, well, its their lost, and our gain.

How to grab your own free 250mb while it last.

Note: that you'll only get this once... After you get it once. If you like tweak 1billion IMEIs in same sim, E no go work.

1. Copy this IMEI 868988012059561.
its 15, generate your own 3digits(the last digits)

2. If you're still a novice in IMEI tweaking, click this «««link»»» to be enlightened.

3. SMS mifi to 131 after you've finished tweaking... Note that you might not be successful in your first 10 tweaked imeis.. Just keep tweaking till you see the megabytes in your screen smiling at u.


  1. not working 4mi bona can u generate 4mi

    1. Keep doing it , it will work.
      Don't give up... Hard work pays.


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