
Glo 1GB For 100Naira Step-Up or Set-Up?

I got this message from glo just this minute.
Get it easily, 1GB for 100N. Valid for 15days. Write 1 and reply , enter online world with this tremendous data bundle. Glo unlimited.

This is really great I must say.... But trust me.. It has its own downsides too.

How to get and enjoy this Glo 1GB for N100

1. Recharge your glo line and SMS 1 to 8070

2. Wait for success message and start browsing.
U don't need any special cheat to enjoy this tremendous offer.
You should note that the plan is only for 15 days.

Happy Ramadan.


  1. This is fantastic honestly I tried this and it worked.thanks to you 😊


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