
How to tether your simple server connection from Android to PC or other WiFi enabled devices.

So many people have this one problem of Simple Android server not connecting  to their PC no matter how well or how hard they try.
I bring to you this Old but superb alternative... You gat to enjoy your simple server 5gbs by sharing connection with your phone and PC.

-SimpleAndroidServer app. You can get it from the Google Play store (The version in the playstore already has the settings)
-Proxy Droid or Autoproxy to power apps like WhatsApp, BBM, Telegram.

Auto proxy Settings:
Proxy Host:
Port: 8080
Enable authentication.
Username: Web
Password: Web

-MTN BB10 data plan
Note: The SimpleServer app must be present in all the phones you want to use.

-Power on your simple server
-Turn on your WiFi Hotspot
-Turn on the WiFi in the phones you want to connect
-Connect to your phone
-IMPORTANT: In the WiFi screen, press Menu or hold the WiFi name
You'll see an option to Modify Network Configuration(This varies by device)
Select it
Go To Proxy Settings
Select Manual
On Proxy host name put
On port put 8080
Then save

-Open simple server on the the phone connect
That's all you need.
Enjoy and browse till your memory card shout E Don Do OOOOOoooo


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