
622 NCC number to call when any Telecom network fraudulently deduct your credit

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Yes, you can now catch the thief thief  or Ole brukutu  network that deducts your money frudulently or without your consent.. all you need to do is dial 662
662 is a number provided by Nigeria communication commission (NCC) to monitor and eventually penalize network providers that play with the intelligence of their customers and deduct their airtime for services they didn't subscribe to.
Now you can report MTN ifnthey deduct your money for unwanted caller tunes or Etisalat for  Automatically Renewing your subscriptions and other services without your consent.

1 comment:

  1. Now I can report all these stupid numbers that calls me and when I reject their calls, I get messages informing me that I've been subscribe to some package..


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