
Your Simple server disconnects often on PC? Here's solution for you.

Here in, our sole aim is to provide possible solutions to problems and predicament.
Today i'll List out one way i use to maintain steady connection on my Pc when using Simple Android server.
Although its New sim cards that mostly experience this issue,  Some old once too still experience the same issue.

Reconnect app==> Download
Simple Server for PC
Modem with Mtn sim


1.  After Downloading the app from the link above, launch it.
2. Goto setttings>> Set the connection to Wireless Terminal.
2. Tick the 'Minimize on connect Box
3. Tick on 'Auto connect Box'
4. Tick on 'connect on Start up and Windows start'
5. SET Username and password ans 'web'
6. Click Ok and then Click "Connect"
7. Thats all, Now your connection will connect Automatically when ever MTN disconnects it.. no need to connect it manually again.. even if you remove your modem and insert it back, Just wait, It will Connect itself Automatically.


  1. It is showing No Connections available. Pls how I urgently fix that?

    1. Download the latest version from Google playstore

    2. Bro thanks for the the reconnect app for pc available in the playstore? Mine is showing no connections available. The high rate of disconnection is drastically hindering my browsing experience and I will appreciate a solution to the problem.

    3. Its a windows application so therefore u can't get it on Google play store.

      The download link for reconnect is up there

  2. Thanks havent tried it yet though.


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