How to find out those who deleted you on Facebook

Hello.. You know there's a need to know those who have deleted us on Facebook. This is as important as the FRIENDS REQUEST feature.

Its almost impossible to find out those who have deleted and unfriend us in Facebook. Facebook doesn't support this feature due to reasons best known to them

With the help of , we can find out does friends who have deleted or ditched us. This websites "" Will send and notify you any changes been made on your friends list.. Like friends you've added, friends you've deleted, friends that have deleted you e.t.c

How to use the website.

1. Log on to there page here.

2. Click on where you see "log in to Facebook" Note: Logging into Facebook through this website, will give the website access to your Facebook account in other the give you results. No worries, your account will still be safe.

3. Chose how'd like the notification to display.

4. Allow the website to process your data. Your friends list information will be sent to you on Facebook.
Now you will be able to know those friends who have ditched and f**cked you outta there friends list.

That's it.

Please you can asked questions where you get confused.

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