MTN data plan adjustment. Get Mtn 3.75GB, 10GB and 22GB @ cheaper price

wow, when i first saw this, i was like... is this really MTN or their ghost? seriously i really really love this latest improvements in their data services price list.. I'm sure all the data sellers in the  house wont like this update, but who cares?? hehehe.. i'm personally buying the 22GB offer this morning... see the updated price list below.


  • Daily Users
MTN 30MB For 100 (Valid for 24Hrs) SMS 104 to 131
MTN 100MB For N200 (Valid for 24Hrs) SMS 113 to 131

  • Weekly Users
MTN 750MB For N500 (Valid for 7 Days) SMS 103 to I31

  • Monthly users
MTN 1.5GB for N1000 (Valid for 30 Days) SMS 106 to 131
MTN 3.5GB for N2,000 (Valid for 30 Days) SMS 110 to 131
MTN 10GB for N5,000 (Valid for 30 Days) SMS 116 to 131
MTN 22GB for N10,000 (Valid for 30 days) SMS 117 to 131

  • Data Plan For All Mifi Users (3Months)
MTN 50GB For N20,000 (Valid for 3Months) SMS 118 to 131
MTN 85GB For N50,000 (Valid for 3Months) SMS 133 to 131

i'm sure even buhari will smile when he sees this.

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